Friday, July 29, 2011

Epic and Myth Assessment Project Odyssey


Literature Commentary Essay (The Odyssey)

"Literature Commentary Essay”

In The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus is able to complete his major journey though perseverance. Odysseus was gone for 20 years he wanted to come home but he had many obstacles in his way that actually made him take longer. In the odyssey by Homer, Odysseus is able to complete his major journey though perseverance.

Odysseus is coming home but has many thing in his way makes him take longer. For example, He had to change himself so they won’t recognize him and someone lady actually knew it was him because of the scare he had on his leg. This shows that Odysseus was a strong and undetermined guy he did what he put his mind to. This also shows that Odysseus can also make his own dreams come true and that he is also fighting for what he believes in. This shows that Odysseus has the strength to go back after many years to get back what he once had. This also shows that Odysseus is determined to do what he can and he will searchand fight for his wife back no matter what. Odysseus made it home and alive he was happy to see his family but he came to another bump because his wife was married to some other guy.

The dog died because he was waiting for Odysseus to come back home. For example, Odysseus went to his wife as a beggar and said Odysseus was on his way home.
This shows that Odysseus wanted to kill Cyclops but he couldn’t because he needed Cyclops to move the rock, or they would all die together. This also shows that Odysseus and his men stabbed Cyclops in his eye to escape, they escape under sheep since Cyclops is now blind. In addition, Odysseus tricked Cyclops claiming his name was Nohbdy, so when he screamed it made him look crazy. This shows that Cyclops prayed that Odysseus wouldn’t make it home. This also shows that Odysseus goes to the underworld to speak to the blind prophet Tiresas. Tiresias tells him to stay away from Helios’ cattle and that when he gets home there will be many men there and his house will be crazy. He tells him that he will kill the men trying to date his wife and will need to make a sacrifice to Poseidon.

Odysseus is coming home but has many thing in his way makes him take longer.
Telemachus knows his dad now after all these years. He actually like the fact that he can look at his father and talk to him and be completely honest with him. Odysseus came home and made everything he wanted to be actually worth his time.

Poetry Graphic Organizer Project

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Odyssey Part B - Content Paragraph - Women

Under my understandings it was this guy. Well honestly these kinds of stories can influence all kinds of young girls. Many girls theses day can do things that other people can teach them. Also, other girls can make mistakes if they saw others doing them the same. These days we just have to be careful and try to influence them in a way that we can be together and stay as one all the time.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sounds Graphic Organizer

"Legal Alien/Extranjera Legal" Before You Read

There was once when i thought or felt like my world was ending. I didn't know what to do i was stuck. My feelings were all over the world. My mom mad me cry but my grandma made me smile and was all ways there. I felt like i was in hell and i felt like i was in heaven. It was something really weird but i loved it at the same time. There was never a ti me or day that i wanted to feel like that. But my emotions seemed to not care because of the fact that i was having a fantastic day then i moves on into being a bad ugly day.

"Ballad of Birmingham" Before You Read

When i was 8 years old i had something really horrible happen to me. It wasnt like i was die but at the sometime mide as well. It was one night that my mom left me alone with her boyfriend. My mom really didn't know what her boyfriend was capable of doing to me when she wasn't there. I honestly felt horrible when i got rapped but at the same time when i told my mother about that she didn't even care or tryed to put him in jail she belived him insted of me. I knew that day was gunna come. The saddest part was when my mom tryed to tell him to rappe me in her face. By then my mom was already using drugs and she didn't know what he was doing because she didn't care about anything or anyone but her man. It was never a good thing to have him around my mom bacause she would act alot different and she told us she loved us. She really didn't mean it i would always run to my aunt and ask her to take me away from my mom and she didn't to me my mom is my aunt Alejandra never gunna for give my mother Never!!

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

When I look into the Orange Groves i see alot of trees and big bright oranges. It's really pretty and i also imagine myself running through the groves and i also imagine myself picking oranges. There is nothing more beautiful than just a field full of oranges that smell and taste good and sweet. Many people use the orange groves like an escape and to awol. If you really think about it, it's something that you can see and it can also help you relax. I hear the sounds of the trees and leafs blowing. I feel well and relaxed when i'm near the groves. There was a house in between so we can run to when were mad and irritated. Getting to live among these trees it makes me feel special and alive.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Figurative Lanuage Content Paragraph

Figurative Language makes me feel like if i was living in a world that actually makes sence. It also makes me realize what i could make out of this world. well an example of a figurative language is when theres is a similie or things are similar. for example Tiburon was a great poem and interesting at the same time i honestly enjoyed it. This poem is a metaphor. Well i figuared out the meaning of figurative language in my head.

Figurative Language Graphic Organizer

Figurative Language Summary of Content Mini Project

This project that im doing is more focused on smilie, metaphor, personification.
figurative language may also be called figure of speech. A figurative language is a word that describes one thing in short terms. There are many and different types of figurative language like direct, implied, extended.

“A Blessing” Break into Blossom Paragraph

When i was 17 years old I was in High School. I was really smart and intelligent girl i liked to study and do alot of projects. I had really strict teachers that never let me fail any classses. W.hen i was like 20 i moved on to college and i was also living with my grandmother. I worked really hard to get my apartment and have a great job to help my grandma with my sisters. Know im old and ready to die also grandaughter i love you and make the best out of your life and be yourself and dont be like others and try to impress people but yourself. You will do better if you try and do your best to succeed in life

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Imagery Graphic Organizer

The topic ill be writing about will be Women Work. This is a really interesting and cool topic it actually makes people realize what women do all the time. I also choose it because of the fact it also makes us girls and mothers, and father stronger about our selves.

"Haiku" Before You Read: SPA Haiku

A rose bush glowing
smells like a big pile of strawberries
fresh and ready to eat

"Woman Work"

1: get up
2: get in the shower
3: get dressed
4: make my bed
5: do my hair
6: eat breakfast
7: clean my room
8: do my make-up
9: put clean clothing away
10: put lotin on
11: clean the bathroom
12: Vacum
13: wipe down conters
14: do my homework
15: community meeting
16: work
17: change to work out
18: feed the hamster
19: pay with the hamster
20: go to the football field to be a water girl
21: eat dinner
22: clean the kitchen
23: pay bulls***t
24: Take a shower
25: get ready for bed
26: take meds
27: brush my teeth
28: lay down

“A Blessing” Break into Blossom Paragraph

I was at my grandmother's house when this fear actually happened to me. We were watching our favorite t.v. show when were saw a man standing in the window. The man was bleeding and cut opened. We heard him crying and screaming and yelling for someone to help him and call the police and the ambulance. I touched the cut and tried to fix it and called the police we gave him a pack of ice for his head. While the police came and took him. I felt scread and really sad and wanted to cry because of the fact that he could die in our hands. I also, felt that i did a good job and actually helped a guy and safed him.

Monday, July 11, 2011

imagery poster

Summer School Plan

This summer I hope to have fun and catch up in all mu credits and pass my classes. I will come to school everyday and do what I have to do. I will also come to class with a good attitude and ready to work. Also, I will be sure that i trun in all my work work and do all my homework. I actually feel really good about this and im sure that I will do just fine.