Friday, July 15, 2011

"Legal Alien/Extranjera Legal" Before You Read

There was once when i thought or felt like my world was ending. I didn't know what to do i was stuck. My feelings were all over the world. My mom mad me cry but my grandma made me smile and was all ways there. I felt like i was in hell and i felt like i was in heaven. It was something really weird but i loved it at the same time. There was never a ti me or day that i wanted to feel like that. But my emotions seemed to not care because of the fact that i was having a fantastic day then i moves on into being a bad ugly day.


  1. Well being stuck between to realities is hard but time is neede to clean it all up. I am glad to know that your grandmother made you smile when you mother put a frown on your face. Next time please check your spelling and grammar before you publish your post.

  2. Check spelling and grammer, good post though.

  3. Well it is hard being stuck between to realities but there is always a way to get something positive out of it
