Thursday, July 14, 2011

“A Blessing” Break into Blossom Paragraph

When i was 17 years old I was in High School. I was really smart and intelligent girl i liked to study and do alot of projects. I had really strict teachers that never let me fail any classses. W.hen i was like 20 i moved on to college and i was also living with my grandmother. I worked really hard to get my apartment and have a great job to help my grandma with my sisters. Know im old and ready to die also grandaughter i love you and make the best out of your life and be yourself and dont be like others and try to impress people but yourself. You will do better if you try and do your best to succeed in life

1 comment:

  1. Janeth, please proofread your work before posting it. There are several capitalization and punctuation errors that cost you points on this assignment.

    shift + i = I
